You have found me, or was it me who has found you?

This section of propaganda was not funded by the State. This section of propaganda was not funded by the State. This section of propaganda not was not funded by the State. This is not a section of propaganda not funded by the State. This is not a non-section of propaganda funded by the State. LMAO
The flowers from which opium is extracted are the most beautiful ones, something like your love. It is an analogy. Everything that is good is addictive. Yes. No.

Walking on the toilets wasn’t a good idea; Life is a Euler’s number.
Beautiful beautiful beautiful!
Beauty rhymes with nature
Very beautiful, very beautiful de factum!
tHe DoOrS Of PeRcEpTiOn


Once upon a time, I heard from some old human specimen whose hair was almost completely white and whose face carried a constant -and very annoying! – sulky expression, that sense, order, and direction were essential elements for life itself and human activities to flow naturally, but I vehemently disagree! Since when such things have turned into vector quantities? From what I know, we are not living inside a high school Physics textbook. Absolutely not. Order, sense and a certain direction for events to happen are as disposable as diapers. Poetry needs to have a sense to be good, as well as prose. And what if they don’t have such attributions? Shoot the poet, shoot the writer! To the wall, they go! Crime, crime! Things that don’t follow the standards that dictate things must have sense aren’t allowed to exist. It seems like we are living dark times of artistic retraction once again! Humanity has once again locked itself to ridiculously absurd, unnecessary and invisible chains. Terrible!

To unleash yourself from the imposed is a liberating, soul-freeing act! If this document came to you, would you be ready to abandon the monotony of normality through being more of a human, and less of a machine? You are a being of flesh, skin, and bones! You are nowhere close to being a cluster of circuits and boards designed to execute predetermined actions, not! Let’s free ourselves from the reins and halter we have been forced to wear since birth.
This project’s intention is to decorate reality and make it livelier through the processes of breaking and distorting the notions of sense. May the minds so used to normality get shocked and surprised with randomness! Let’s make the weirdest vandalizations, glue upside down newspaper’s pages on walls, leave trails of cheap soap through the streets, or whatever! The creativity is yours and no one else’s! Do what you will, our only rule doesn’t exist.


Lucretia Dalencourt is a person, a name, or maybe neither. Lucretia Dalencourt can be everything, at the same time she can be nothing, but one thing is a well-known fact: everyone can be her, or part of her. A Lucretia Dalencourt is a chaos and disorder ambassador, who acts under the same mischievous and playful personality as the gnomes, who make our belongings disappear and reappear from time to time. When one assumes the name of Lucretia Dalencourt, the individual becomes part of a conspiracy that doesn’t aim for world domination or other shit that conspiracies, in general, are more interested in. In fact, someone who acts using the name of LuLu is given the title of pseudo-conspirator, but do you know why? Go read the next paragraph.
One of Lucretia Dalencourt’s main goals is to appear to be a conspiracy while not being one, thus being a pseudo-conspiracy. This whole project existence comes from the final objective of being a false enigma, complex trickery and a maze with no exit. Look as much as you want, dear stranger! Go through heavens and earth, hell and Saturn that you won’t find the meaning of all this! The only objective we have is a non-objective: to not have objectives.
People need to have their monochromatic, boring lives colored by disorder and what is uncommon, it is needed for the streets to be more surrealistic, Dadaistic and shockistic! A Lucretia Dalencourt transforms reality into delirium, public bathrooms into hallucinations and the walls into the most psychedelic dreams that an individual could ever have. Be welcome, Lucretia Dalencourt. Be welcome to the wonders of chaos, dearest and newest patroness of disorder. Your presence in the pseudo-conspiracy brings joy to many, we just don’t know whom. Anyway, send order to where Judas lost his boots and be the LuLu that resides within you, waiting for you to embrace and wake her up.